This is the story of Sabina, an average woman from Kazakhstan (Sabina is a popular Kazakh female name). Through her story we will get an insight about the current marital situation in Kazakhstan.
Visualization is based on the annual demographic report of Kazakhstan National Committee on Statistics for 2009-2016 period.
Why this is important? I believe, family is a building block of any society. Healthy families lead to healthy society. Unfortunately, the mariatal situation in Kazakhstan is getting worse every year. Thousands of kids are affected and traumatized (read more). The purpose of this visualization is to inform people of Kazakhstan about this situation.
Divorces to Marriages ratio is increasing every year. This means, in Kazakhstan divorces are getting more frequent and marriages are getting more rare. The chances Sabina will get married is getting less every year, and if she does chances she will divorce are getting higher. To increase probability of happier life she should move to South Kazakhstan region as it has lowest Divorces to Marriages ratio, and should avoid Pavlodar region as it has the highest ratio respectively. |
The crisis in Sabina's family-life is most likely to happen during the first 5 years of the marriage. That's when most of the couples in Kazakhstan decide to break-up. |
If Sabina divorces, she is most likely to have two or more kids. Statistics shows that 70% of the divorces affect kids. |
On average, 115156 children are affected due to divorce. |
Created by Nursultan Kabylkas ( in collaboration with Professor Lodha Designed for CMPS263 Files:project.zipSimilar projects:Divorce by OccupationDivorce Rates for Different Groups Effects of Divorce on Children |
Data sources:Government websites:Annual demographic reportNews articles:Article #1Article #2 Article #3 Article #4 Article #5 Article #6 Article #7 |
Code sources:Line chartGrouped bar chart Stacked bar chart Geo spatial mapping |