I'm Nursultan Kabylkas

Father - Engineer - Researcher - Teacher


I like spending some time to pour out my thoughts and projects to a paper. Thoughts are abstract. Writing allows to serialize the thoughts. Also, suprisingly I found that some of my writings were beneficial to some people. So why not?


I am leading Maveric@NU, the Micro Architecture Verification Center at Nazarbayev University. At Maveric, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of hardware verification through innovative research and development. As technology advances, the complexity of micro architecture designs continues to grow, necessitating more effective and productive methods of verification. Our team of experienced researchers and engineers are passionate about exploring new approaches to ensure the correctness and reliability of these intricate designs. With a focus on cutting-edge techniques, Maveric aims to revolutionize the field of hardware verification, ultimately enhancing the overall performance and functionality of micro architecture designs. Join us on this exciting journey as we strive to uncover novel solutions and make significant contributions to the ever-evolving realm of micro architecture verification.

I got my Ph.D. from one of the best labs in the universe -- Micro Architecture Santa Cruz (MASC), under the supervision of the best adviser in the universe -- Jose Renau.


[1] N. Kabylkas, T. Thorn, S. Srinath, P. Xekalakis, J. Renau, "Processor Verification with Logic Fuzzer enhanced Co-simulation"
(To be submitted to ISCA 2021)

[2] A. Sridhar, N. Kabylkas, J. Renau, "Load Driven Branch Predictor (LDBP)"
(To be submitted to ISCA 2021)

[3] R.T. Possignolo, N. Kabylkas, J. Renau, "Anubis: A new benchmark for incremental synthesis"
International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis '17


Download my one-page resume here or keep scrolling (information here is more detailed).

click here to download my awesome resume!

Work Experience

Summer 2019

Esperanto Technologies, Mountaint View, CA. Verification Research Internship. Implementing congestion and fuzzing techniques in the RTL of Esperanto's out-of-order core to increase verification coverage metrics and find more bugs.

Summer/Fall 2018

Esperanto TechnologiesPerformance Modeling Internship. Maintaining and adding features to a thousand-core cycle-accurate C++ architectural simulator. Studying trade-offs and exploring design space.

2016 - Present

MicroArchitecture Santa Cruz (MASC) Group, Santa Cruz, CA, USAResearch Assistant. Currently trying to build a verification infrastructure for RISC-V cores.

2014 - 2016

Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan. Teaching Assitant. Assisting faculty of School of Science and Technology with the following courses: Operating Systems, Computer Systems and Organization, Data Structures. Also taught Programming Fundamentals course.


Alstom Transport, Rochester, NY, USA Junior Quality Engineer. Developed a quality assurance management web-app for “industrial-supplier-quality” team. The app allowed to track and manage defects of the parts from different suppliers.


C++ (actively catching up on C++17)
Reading Assembly(RISC-V/MIPS/x86)


Xilinx Vivado Design Flow
Magic (Open-source VLSI layout tool)
Altera Quartus II Design Flow
Dromajo (RISC-V core cosimulation)
ESESC (Cycle Accurate Simulator)

My Favorite Books

Just the list of books that I have read several times and recommend other people to read.

Deep work by Cal Newport. There was literally the version of Nursultan before reading "Deep Work" and the version after. I recommend reading this book to anyone who is doing research or anyone who wants to increase the quality of their work. This book completely changed the way I think about social networks and different types of gadgets that modern society offers.